Fòs Feminista | International Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice
The transparency grade represents the expectation that the federal government should make data about U.S. global health assistance available, accessible, and informative. To see the transparency grade, toggle below.

The transparency grade represents the expectation that the federal government should make data about U.S. global health assistance available, accessible, and informative. To see the transparency grade, toggle below.

Fòs Feminista | International Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice

This is an average of the three domain scores below.

YEAR 2017

Department of State

The Department of State received an 82 (B-) with transparency and an 85 (B) without transparency because it released new President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) guidance documents in 2017 that moderately promoted sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). The Department of State also spent HIV and AIDS funding in a way that was responsive to global need.




The Department of State received a 90 (A-) with transparency and a 90 (A-) without transparency for HIV and AIDS because newly published PEPFAR policy documents moderately promoted SRHR through the HIV and AIDS response and funds for HIV and AIDS were spent in a way that was responsive to global need in 2017.

The Fòs Feminista data index grades government agencies on policies and funding impacting family planning, maternal and child health, and HIV & AIDS foreign assistance.

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2017_PEPFAR Country/Regional Operational Plan (COP/ROP) Guidance 2017
The Country Operational Plan (COP) Guidance is an annual document released by the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator. It outlines the plan for global HIV and AIDS activities funded by PEPFAR and provides the basis for the approval of annual bilateral HIV and AIDS funding for partner countries. The 2017 COP Guidance was evidence-informed and ensured continued community and government engagement in PEPFAR programs. It also discussed the intersection of gender-based violence with HIV and AIDS and the importance of including contraception and counseling into HIV and AIDS programs. This guidance moderately promoted SRHR because it was responsive to need and addressed the disproportionate impact of HIV and AIDS on adolescent girls and young women, men who have sex with men (MSM), female sex workers, and transgender individuals. The plan was gender accommodating, as it did not seek to dismantle existing gender differences and inequalities. Such guidance should instead outline how to change inequitable gender norms and dynamics and promote gender equity.
2017_PEPFAR Evaluation Standards of Practice (Version 3.0)
The PEPFAR Evaluation Standards of Practice was released to increase the quality of evaluations conducted by all PEPFAR implementing agencies. These standards emphasized the importance of evidence-informed evaluation planning and provided a detailed explanation of the ethics and human rights principles that should be incorporated in all PEPFAR-funded evaluations, particularly for "children, prisoners, pregnant women, and other vulnerable groups." Additionally, these standards laid the groundwork for adaptive programming and the continued commitment of all key stakeholders, including community members and government personnel, in PEPFAR programs. Although the Standards of Practice acknowledged that evaluations should be “context-sensitive” and “culturally relevant,” they did not include a gender transformative component. There was no mention of the gendered power dynamics and cultural barriers that may prevent people living with HIV, sex workers, or lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) persons from participating in evaluations. Despite this, the Standards of Practice were responsive to need and were based in evidence. The Standards moderately supported the ability of PEPFAR programs to promote SRHR.
2017_PEPFAR Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting Indicator Reference Guide_MER 2.0 (Version 2.1)
The 2017 PEPFAR Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) Indicator Reference Guide provided guidance for monitoring and evaluating PEPFAR’s HIV and AIDS programs. The indicators were evidence-informed, based on human rights principles, and detailed the importance of sustained “district and community” engagement. The document included an extensive list of indicators for HIV and AIDS program evaluation, including the number of key and priority populations reached with specifically tailored HIV prevention programs, and the percentage of pregnant women living with HIV that receive antiretroviral therapy (ART) to reduce mother-to-child transmission. Though the Reference Guide listed sex workers, MSM, and transgender individuals as key populations, it did not address their distinctive needs when discussing how to evaluate interventions that were tailored for these populations. This lack of clarity can be harmful as evaluators may not understand how to meaningfully engage with these key populations during the evaluation, monitoring, and reporting processes. The indicators were somewhat gender transformative, as they included a limited discussion of gender norms and related stigma, though this element should be standardized throughout the Reference Guide. The updates within this version of the MER Reference Guide were responsive to need and based in human rights norms and evidence, including WHO and UNAIDS indicators.
2016_Department of State Implementation Plan for the U.S. Adolescent Girls Strategy
The Department of State Implementation Plan for the U.S. Adolescent Girls Strategy was launched in partnership with three other U.S. implementing agencies as part of the first U.S. Global Strategy to Empower Adolescent Girls in 2015. This Plan moderately promotes sexual and reproductive rights (SRHR) because it discussed the importance of incorporating HIV prevention in all adolescent girls' empowerment programs, especially those that address girls’ political, civic, and economic participation and programs that increase peace and security. This Plan specifically acknowledged the relationship between girls who have undergone female genital cutting (FGC) and their increased risk of acquiring HIV. The Plan also mentioned HIV as a barrier to girls’ education and provided examples of existing Department of State programs that are responsive to need and grounded in human rights, including the President’s Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (PEPFAR). However, this Plan did not disclose how to support the needs of adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) who are living with HIV. It only discussed preventing HIV transmission to AGYW. The Plan is gender accommodating, not gender transformative because it relied on existing gender norms and references unequal gender and age dynamics that put AGYW at a higher risk of HIV incidence.
2016_PEPFAR Country/Regional Operational Plan (COP/ROP) 2016 Guidance
The Country Operational Plan (COP) Guidance is an annual plan that outlines global HIV and AIDS activities funded by PEPFAR and provides the basis for the approval of annual bilateral HIV and AIDS funding for partner countries. The fiscal year (FY) 2016 COP Guidance was responsive to need and addressed the disproportionate impact of HIV and AIDS on AGYW and other key populations such as men who have sex with men (MSM), female sex workers, pregnant women and infants living with HIV, and transgender individuals. The programming was evidence-informed and promoted community and government engagement. Although the Guidance discussed the intersection of gender-based violence (GBV) and HIV and AIDS, it failed to strongly incorporate the positive impact that comprehensive and integrated sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services can have on reducing HIV transmission amongst key populations.

Maternal and Child Health (MCH)


The Department of State received a 77 (C+) with transparency and an 80 (B-) without transparency for Maternal and Child Health in 2017 due to low transparency in policy information and funding that was not allocated according to country-level need.

The Fòs Feminista data index grades government agencies on policies and funding impacting family planning, maternal and child health, and HIV & AIDS foreign assistance.

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2016_Department of State Implementation Plan for the U.S. Adolescent Girls Strategy
The Department of State Implementation Plan for the U.S. Adolescent Girls Strategy was launched in partnership with three other U.S. implementing agencies as part of the first U.S. Global Strategy to Empower Adolescent Girls in 2015. This Plan acknowledged the impact of forced marriage, especially early or childhood marriage, and the impact of FGC on the health of AGYW. Specifically, it stated that these practices lead to poor maternal health outcomes, including high morbidity and mortality rates from pregnancy and birth complications, trauma, and other diseases and infections. The Plan provided details on "preserv[ing] the rights of married and pregnant girls and adolescent mothers to attend school" and "remov[ing] barriers to sexual and reproductive health and comprehensive, accessible, youth-friendly health services" to prevent early pregnancy. Though the Plan was responsive to need and grounded in human rights principles, it did not incorporate significant evidence-based programming because it did not address how to meet the clinical needs or provide maternity care of pregnant AGYW. This Plan is gender transformative in that it promoted gender equality by decreasing early marriage and pregnancy through educational empowerment. This Strategy moderately promoted SRHR through the Department of State’s maternal and child health programs.

Family Planning (FP)


The Department of State received a 79 (C+) with transparency and an 82 (B-) without transparency for Family Planning. Allocated family planning funding was moderately responsive to country-level need and policy data was not transparent within this domain.

The Fòs Feminista data index grades government agencies on policies and funding impacting family planning, maternal and child health, and HIV & AIDS foreign assistance.

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2016_Department of State Implementation Plan for the U.S. Adolescent Girls Strategy
The Department of State Implementation Plan for the U.S. Adolescent Girls Strategy was launched in partnership with three other U.S. implementing agencies as part of the first U.S. Global Strategy to Empower Adolescent Girls in 2015. The Plan was evidence-based and grounded in human rights with a strategic objective to expand girls’ access to education, health, and services, which included "preserv[ing] the rights of married and pregnant girls and adolescent mothers to attend school, institut[ing] comprehensive sexuality education in national curricula, and remov[ing] barriers to sexual and reproductive health and rights and comprehensive, accessible, youth-friendly health services." Additionally, this Plan outlined the joint responsibility that all governments have in prioritizing adolescent health and rights, promoting accountability of SRH programs, and addressing the lack of access to or availability of education and health services, which would include family planning. This Plan also repeatedly addressed the distinct health needs of adolescent girls that are displaced by insecurity, conflict, or natural disaster. However, it did not address the cultural or structural barriers (i.e., government policies that hinder access to SRHR, stigmatizing attitudes of healthcare providers, and prohibitively high cost of services) that prevent key underserved populations, such as sex workers and women living with disabilities, from accessing family planning services. Additionally, this Plan is gender accommodating because it acknowledged—but does not work to change—existing gender norms and inequities that prevent AGYW from accessing family planning services.